Anna BubbleLife -
Conservation Tree Seedling Orders Now Being Accepted

The Collin County Soil & Water Conservation District is currently taking orders for conservation tree and shrub seedlings. The purpose of this program is to assist farmers, ranchers & landowners with conservation practices such as windbreaks, noise and site barriers, erosion control and water conservation.  Several varieties of evergreen and hardwood trees are being offered this year. 

The plastic tube container species available include Afghanistan Pine, Italian Stone Pine, Catalpa, Oriental Arborvitae, Mexican Buckeye, Osage Orange, Western Soapberry and thornless Honeylocust.  Containerized species are sold in bundles of 25 for $85, plus sales tax.

Bareroot species available include Black Cherry, Bur Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Lacebark Elm, Pecan, and Shumard Oak. These hardwood seedling species are also sold in bundles of 25 and are available for $70, plus sales tax.

All species being offered are tolerable to USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 8, which includes North Texas and all of Collin County, and are provided by the Texas A&M Forest Service.

Conservation tree order forms are available at the SWCD office, 1404 N. McDonald Street, Suite 100, McKinney, TX, or you can request a form via email at  Tree orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis in case of depletion of inventory.  Supplies of some species are limited, so order early for a better opportunity of having your order filled.  All orders must be received by Wednesday, February 19, 2025.  The District promotes the tree seedling sale program solely to encourage conservation.  Tree seedlings purchased from the District are NOT for resale.  Orders will be ready for pick up on or around the week of February 24, 2025.  A reminder email will be sent with pick-up day and time information once it has been confirmed.  If you have any questions or would like more information about the program, please call 972-542-0081 ext. 3.  All proceeds from these sales help fund the SWCD’s conservation and education programs throughout Collin County. 


Tuesday, 12 November 2024